Friday, March 4, 2011

WOW! We have been awarded!

This is a first and hopefully not a last! Thank you so much Jen from The Life of a Weber Girl! You are too sweet and we appreciate the shout out! We don't have 8 followers yet, but that will change soon (you guys hear us out there???) so I will award the awesome girls that choose to follow us as of now. Besides we have to remember who were there before the stardom right? :o)

1. Sarah Westman @ We Are The Westmans

2. Angel Perry @ This Life is Sweet

3. Kelly Clark @ The Clark Clan 

4. Ambrosia Clark @ Ambrosia Clark

5. Tessa Galindo @ Our Crazy Beautiful Life

8 Facts about us????

1. We are both married with children
2. We love HOT Arizona summers
3. We haven't always been great cooks, we have had some real doozies and the husband's have had to be taste testers whether they liked it or not.
4. We were both born in Southern Arizona. (Ft. Huachuca & Sierra Vista)
5. We had a male calico cat when we teenagers that my mom neutered and could've sold for thousands of dollars because they are rare for breeding (don't usually live after birth).
6. We loved flying in the backwards seats when we would visit our dad in Texas.
7. We were in a jewelry commercial when we were younger.
8. Our families always seem to be on the move!

Hope you enjoy our blog. Thank you again Jen for the award! If you try any of our recipes, please let us know how they work out for you!


  1. The blog looks good! And you even have a button! Hooray! I will be sure to put it on my blog even though I don't have very many followers. You guys should totally link up to FTLOB.

    P.S. Thanks for taggin me!

  2. Thanks for the award sweet's <3

  3. Thanks for the award girls ;]

  4. Im a new blogger as well! I think your blog looks great :)

  5. @ Nicole: Thanks so much for stopping by! We are so happy to have you!

  6. An Award?!? How nice! DO I need to do something with it? I'm not quite up to speed on the blogger world....
